Connector Grafana Dashboard

Using the monitoring capability of the Connector tango device, we have implemented a dashboard for Grafana in order to display the various attribute of the P4 switch. To do so, we are leveraging the ska-tango-archiver project to deploy EDA automatically and thus automatically store telemetry inside the timescaledb database.

In this page, we are going to go through the deployment of EDA alongside the connector, then how to configure EDA to record connector telemetry. Finally, we detail how the dashboard works.


EDA configuration

In order to deploy EDA alongside the ska-low-cbf-conn helm it is fairly straightforward. First you need to add the following in the charts.yaml file

name: ska-tango-archiver
version: 2.6.0

This would deploy the necessary pods but without any configuration. This configuration is added in the values.yaml file as follows:

  dbname: ska_low_cbf
  dbuser: admin
  port: 5432
  dbpassword: ask_your_admin
  telescope: SKA-low
  telescope_environment: LOW-STFC
  archwizard-config: tango://tango-databaseds.ska-low-cbf-conn.svc.cluster.local:10000/low-eda/cm/01

In this configuration, obviously you need to put the correct values for everything related to the timescaledb database.

From there, the EDA should be deployed and you can access it on

In this previous page, you can now upload the EDA configuration yaml file that is available on the resource directory. This file contains all measurement points from the connector and their retrieval policy:

db: tango-databaseds.ska-low-cbf-conn.svc.cluster.local:10000
manager: low-eda/cm/01
archiver: low-eda/es/01
- class: LowCbfConnector
        archive_period: 1000
        code_push_event: true
        archive_period: 1000
        code_push_event: true
        archive_period: 1000
        code_push_event: true
        archive_period: 1000
        code_push_event: true
        archive_period: 1000
        code_push_event: true
        archive_period: 1000
        code_push_event: true
        archive_period: 1000
        code_push_event: true
        archive_period: 10000
        polling_period: 5000
        archive_period: 10000
        polling_period: 5000
        archive_period: 10000
        polling_period: 5000
        archive_period: 10000
        polling_period: 5000
        archive_period: 10000
        polling_period: 5000
        archive_period: 10000
        polling_period: 5000
        archive_period: 10000
        polling_period: 5000
        archive_period: 10000
        polling_period: 5000

Json dashboard import

Once the EDA is configured and the connector started, the database should start being populated. Prior to importing the dashboard, you need to make sure that you have configured the correct source in Grafana. Then you can import the json dashboard from the resource directory.

Connector Dashboard

The connector Grafana dashboard is a relatively simple dashboard consisting in three separate groups of panels grouped by functionality. These three groups are:

  • the overview of the switch and tango device

  • the routing tables details

  • live traffic

In the following sections we are detailing those different panels.

Overview panels

The first group of panels consists of a general overview of both the tango device and the switch ports.

Quick Switch Overview

In those panel we can see from top to bottom:

  • the timeline of the tango health state. This state can have 4 different values

    • Ok: when all configured ports are Up and Enable

    • Degraded: when at least one port is either down or disable

    • Fault: when a fault occurred in the tango device

    • Unknown: usually before the tango device is connected to the switch agent

  • port overview and general tango configuration

    • first with a graphical representation of the switch and the port status

    • various parameter of the tango device such as the IP of the switch or the program name

  • port overview with a more detailed yet comprehensive overview of each logical switch port

Tables panels

The second group of panels consists of a list of all tables on the switch.

Routes Overview

Traffic panels

The final group of panels consists of four panel displaying the traffic seen in the last 2 hours in all ports in the switch.

Routes Overview